Kingston Racketeers December 02 2014

Yesterday we delivered a carload of tennis calendars, Wimbledon Championships programmes and other goodies for the children who are just about to complete their KINGSTON RACKETEERS tennis coaching courses at Kingston Riverside Club. Organised by Sue Bailey, the Kingston Racketeers group enables ordinary children to start playing and enjoying tennis in a fun, affordable way. The programme has been running for over 20 years and many graduates are still playing tennis. Some have reached a high standard, but all have had many hours of enjoyment and fun. We donate goods because we believe in what Sue Bailey and her team are doing, giving opportunities local schools cannot provide and at the same time promoting community cohesion. 

Kingston Racketeers runs after school from May to December each year. Each child attends once a week, and there are currently 220 children taking part in the programme. There is a trials day at Canbury Gardens in March each year, and showing enthusiasm and keenness to play tennis are the main criteria for acceptance. You do not have to be a budding Andy Murray or Heather Watson!

For more information please contact us at Tennis Gallery Wimbledon.